Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why is Grandparenting so much different than Parenting?

I became a Grandfather ("Papa") this past week for the first time. What an incredible experience! The feelings in my heart are useless to try to put into words. It just won't do them justice. Suffice it to say, I am awestruck to see my daughter bring a new little life into this world. A little bundle of joy that is totally dependent on my daughter and her husband.

I am also brought to the realization of the importance of having a firm foundation on the Rock of Salvation, Jesus Christ. My daughter and her husband will depend on that and this precious little granddaughter will also depend on it. More than ever before, I must be the Man of Integrity that God has called me to be.

Reading in Habakkuk 3 and Revelation 3 this morning and I am reminded of what mankind looks like when they are lukewarm in their Christian walk. It's ugly to say the least. You wander aimlessly for the most part trying to do life on your own only to mess up time and time again.

Yet God wants to fight our battles for us. He wants us to put our full trust in Him as we walk through each day. How will that look for this new Grandfather? I am determined to start each day with prayer for each member of my family. I will be silent enough in my prayers to listen to what God has to say to me. Whatever battles they may have before them, I will ask God to intercede.

I am more determined than ever to be the Man of Integrity that God has called me to be. My wife depends on it. Both of my daughters depend on it. Both of my sons-in-law depend on it. Now a beautiful newborn granddaughter depends on it. AND, a granddaughter that is due in February will also depend on it some day.

Only with God's strength can I accomplish this task. If I try to do it in my on flesh, I will be only lukewarm at best. I must depend on God wholly and completely.