Monday, October 15, 2007

A New Week and A New Focus

A new week is upon me. With this new week is a renewed focus to be solid in my faith and looking for opportunities around every corner to study God's Word and apply it to my life.

My church has daily devotions that are based on the message given on Sunday ( and I will be studying these in detail. Additionally, I have been on and off going chronologically through the Bible and I want to give renewed focus on that time.

What is most important to me is to get this time in early in my day. I get up at 5:30 am to get my day going right and to make sure this study is done before I start my official day. Please give me encouragement so that I do not slack off. Let me know what your doing in the same manner I will encourage you.

OK... Time to study!


1 comment:

srvngwthjoy said...

There is no doubt that our Savior is saying: "This is my son in whom I am pleased."

You are an awesome role model and spiritual leader of the family!

Well done faithful servant...well done!