Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Just Got An Integrity 'Check' From My Wife!

I got a call yesterday that lifted my spirits. The leader of the Men's Minsitry at my church has asked me to be a group leader on a men's retreat that will be held in November. I immediately said 'sure, I'd love too' to the offer.

Excited to spread the news to my wife, I told her of the conversation when she got home from running some errands. Her response was not what I was looking for BUT her response was a conduit from God. She replied, "Great. Did you tell him that you would pray about it?"

Oh man... caught in making a rash decision without God's input again. I have learned that the offer may be Godly, it may be an opportunity to help His kingdom. The offer ALSO may not be God's direction for me. I know it, I know it, I know it.

During these next few days, I will be praying about this offer and will try to be open to God's leading. Please also include this in your prayers. I WANT TO DO THE RIGHT THING! I WANT TO BE ALWAYS IN THE WILL OF GOD. We need to always keep our pride in check with God's will and purpose for us. Just because it is a 'good thing to do', that doesn't mean that it is God's will for me. He will use the mistakes in judgement for His glory but how much better is it when my decision is in keeping with His will to begin with!

1 Kings 22:5 '... first seek the counsel of the Lord.'